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Investor Tech Tours & Delegations with OurCrowd

As Israel’s most active VC investor, OurCrowd provides exclusive access to the insider’s view of the Startup Nation. Join meetings and tours with an intimate, firsthand exposure to the Israeli technology ecosystem.

“I was extremely impressed by the technology I observed and am super-excited to continue the partnership with OurCrowd and the key stakeholders I met through them.” 
– Carlos Marinelli, CEO, Grupo Fleury

“Seeing the startup and scale up cases, talking live to the entrepreneurs and feeling the vibe of the environment in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem made all the difference for us and our investment case.” 
– Mark Essle, Partner, ATKearney

“I always knew Israel stood out from a technology point of view but never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that the ecosystem was so incredibly powerful and influential from a global point of view.” 
– Dr. Rafael Jácomo, Technical Director, Sabin Labs

For more information:

About OurCrowd Tech Tours & Delegations

Embark on an unforgettable experience, exploring the Israeli innovation taking the world by storm – all from a front row, hands-on perspective. Our professional team, along with our business tourism partners, customize tech tours of any length and design a tailor-made itinerary to fit with your investment and strategic roadmap. On our exclusive trips you will be able to touch, feel, and immerse yourself – in style – in the Startup Nation culture of Israel, and depart with a very profound understanding for why it is has taken centerstage in the technology sector.

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“I was extremely impressed by the technology I observed and am super-excited to continue the partnership with OurCrowd and the key stakeholders I met through them.” 
– Carlos Marinelli, CEO, Grupo Fleury

“Seeing the startup and scale up cases, talking live to the entrepreneurs and feeling the vibe of the environment in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem made all the difference for us and our investment case.” 
– Mark Essle, Partner, ATKearney

“I always knew Israel stood out from a technology point of view but never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that the ecosystem was so incredibly powerful and influential from a global point of view.” 
– Dr. Rafael Jácomo, Technical Director, Sabin Labs

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